Welcome to Fleetwood Financial, LLC
Call Us Now! 888-353-3860

Helping Businesses just like yours SUCCEED!

    Online Application

    We welcome the opportunity to provide a lease or finance program for your needs. Please complete the applciation and submit to us electronically. If you prefer you can print the PDF version and return by FAX to 856-795-8040 OR SCAN to credit@fleetwoodfinancial.net

    Open up the Printable Application (PDF format) and review it.

    Lessee (Complete Legal Name of Entity)
    Contact Person
    Equipment Information

    Vendor Information
    Bank References
    Trade or Finance References (to be completed if less than 2 years old)
    Account #1
    Account #2
    Account #3
    Contact Person

    I/We understand that I/We may submit my application to Fleetwood Financial, LLC electronically by clicking "Submit Application" below, or I/We may submit the application by fax or mail. I/We authorize you to make such inquiries regarding the information furnished herein as may be required in connection with the application or in the course of review of any credit extended in reliance on the application. All information set forth in this application is a truthful and accurate representation of facts for the purpose of obtaining the lease financing requested by me/us. If I/We choose to submit this application electronically, I/We acknowledge that Fleetwood Financial, LLC is unable to ensure that the data cannot be intercepted by third parties. In submitting this application electronically I/We knowingly and voluntarily agree that Fleetwood Financial, LLC will not be held liable in any manner whatsoever should such interception occur. I/we understand that other financial information may be requested in connection with this lease application.

    Check here if you accept these terms.
